2016 publications

  1. Petherick, L. (2016). Engaging with issues of social class in physical education. In D. Robinson, & L. Randell (Eds.), Social Justice in Physical Education: Critical Reflections and Pedagogies for Change. Canadian Scholars Press.
  2. Petherick, L., Norman, M. E., & Rail, G. (2016). Manufacturing (parental) consent: A critical analysis of the HPVV informed consent process in Ontario, Canada. In S. Dagkas & L. Burrows (Eds.), Families, Young People, Physical Activity and Health (pp. 93-113). Routledge.
  3. Petherick, L. & Beausoleil, N. (2016). Obesity panic, body surveillance and pedagogy: Elementary teachers’ response to obesity messaging. In D. McPhail, W. Mitchinsen, & J. Ellison (Eds.), Obesity in Canada: Historical and critical perspectives (pp. 245-271). University of Toronto Press.
  4. Norman, M., & Petherick, L. (2016). Nine: The enemy within: Teaching “hard knowledges” about “soft bodies” in a kinesiology faculty. Counterpoints, 467, 91-99.